Eighth Grade Daily Schedule
I conduct all instruction, except for
Science, or when students receive services in Mrs. Benedicto's room.
8:00-8:45 Science Mrs. Stone
8:45-10:30 Math for Algebra 1
and Algebra 1A students
10:30-10:45 Recess
10:45-11:45 ELA CORE
11:45-12:15 ELA (UA) groups for
differentiated instruction
12:15-12:55 Lunch
12:55-1:25 ELA Intervention
1:25-1:55 UA groups for
differentiated instruction
1:55-2:15 PE
2:15-2:45 ELD CORE some students to
Mrs. Benedicto/Stone
2:45-3:00 ELD Intervention