The Central Union School District is responsible for providing your children with an exceptional elementary school education. The Central Union School District is required by the Federal Government to have an Indian Education Policies and Procedures (IPP) in place. The IPP plays an important role. The policy ensures there is communication and input regarding the education of our Native American students between the families and the Central Union School District.
We are asking that you review the enclosed draft of the IPP and provide the District with your input. If you have ideas, thoughts, questions, or concerns, the Central Union School District would appreciate you taking the time to communicate that information to us in writing. You may write the information on this form and have the form returned to the Central or Stratford office, or you are welcome to email your comments, concerns, or questions to [email protected] by October 6, 2023. The IPP will be approved by the CUESD Board at their November 13, 2023 Board meeting.
IPP Parent Request 2023-24 English
IPP Board Policy 6173.5
IPP Parent Request 2023-24 Spanish
IPP Board Policy 6173.5