Stratford Elementary

Our School

Stratford SchoolStratford School’s mission is to provide a positive school environment for the benefit of all students and to ensure that each student feels personally connected to the school, attains high levels of academic achievement, and develops high standards of personal behavior, based upon the six pillars of character (i.e., caring, trustworthiness, citizenship, fairness, respect, and responsibility) that are part of the District’s character education program.

Established in 1921, Stratford School has twice been recognized as a California State Distinguished School. As one of four elementary schools in the Central Union School District, Stratford School is located in the town of Stratford, six miles south of Lemoore. Many of Stratford’s students’ parents, grandparents, and even great-grandparents attended Stratford before them.

If the concept that “child by child we build a nation” is, indeed, a truism, then it follows that educated child by educated child we build a nation strong in responsible citizens of good character who set goals and achieve objectives to their personal benefit as well as the community’s.

Stratford School’s goal is to prepare all students to function as informed, productive citizens; to achieve success in the work environment and to realize personal fulfillment. In order for Stratford to fulfill this goal, students must attain high levels of academic achievement. For students to attain high levels of achievement, Stratford School, its students, their parents, and the community each have responsibilities which must be fulfilled.

By working together, we can ensure that students maximize and enjoy the learning opportunities at Stratford and develop the skills necessary to make them successful learners. As always, the Stratford staff appreciates your support. Should parents need to contact Stratford’s personnel, they may telephone the school office at (559) 925-2605.

Academic Support to Ensure That All Students Are Successful

With 90% of our student population designated educationally disadvantaged, our core curriculum is designed to meet the needs of these special needs and at-risk students on a daily basis. Through initial assessment, each student's needs are identified and addressed. Teachers adapt instruction to meet these individual needs and empower each student with the tools necessary for achievement.

Students with special needs (speech, Gifted And Talented Education (GATE), migrant, EIA/SCE, and LEP) have equal access to all areas of our curriculum. Their educational program is individualized using District based curriculum and materials. Most special needs instruction is done within the classroom. Activities and materials are coordinated by the classroom teacher. Mastery teaching techniques and the application of problem solving and understanding are incorporated into the educational program.

Second language students are assessed upon school entrance. Students are instructed in their primary language when appropriate. A Bilingual Individual Learning Plan is created for all LEP students. Students are provided with a wide range of assistance including classroom aides, cross-age tutors, and parent volunteers. Limited English proficient students read literature in Spanish and comprehension discussions are held. Students are furnished available materials in their native language. Our teachers have been trained in using SDAIE.

Our speech therapist as well as school psychologists coordinate instruction with the classroom teacher further enhancing high achievement expectations. Paraprofessionals assist in the practice and reinforcement of concepts while lowering the adult-student ratio. Special needs students are mainstreamed and participate in all school activities in a risk-free atmosphere. Our Student Study Team is instrumental in assessing student needs.

Stratford School's Student Code of Conduct is reviewed with students and sent home for parent approval. Teachers model and stress proper behavior and have incorporated Assertive Discipline methods into their classrooms resulting in minimal chronic behavior problems.

Our students enjoy coming to school as evidenced by our high attendance rate. When absences do occur they are quickly identified by the classroom teacher and school secretary. Parents are contacted and SARB letters are sent, when appropriate, in the student's native language with the intent to inform parents before absences and/or tardies become detrimental to their child's academic achievement. These strategies further strengthen the bond between school and home.

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